Thanksgiving and Dedication service for the new year 2021 held on 8 January, 2021
01st February, 2021
Thanksgiving and Dedication service for the new year 2021 was held in the Campus for the staff and faculties on 8 Jan, 2021. The service was chaired by Mr. R. Lalnunthara, Vice Principal. Mr. H. Lalrinawma, Assistant Professor started the service with a prayer devotion. Reports and reflections were given by the Principal Mr. Vuansanga Vanchhawng. Dedication and motivational message was given by the Collece Accountant and Senior Staff Upa T. Lalhamngaihzama which was folled by responsive reading and prayer from the college's Chaplain Mr. Emmanuel Lalruatsanga. All the teaching and non-teaching staff who attended the programme re-dedicated their Service and themselves to God hoping for a wonderful and prosperous year ahead.
The college office for the new year will open from 12th January, 2021.
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